Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

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What Basic Steps in Hygiene?

Hygiene is defined as rules and standards that must be met by individuals to achieve and maintain a physical presence, an optimal physical development by an adequate state of health and disease prevention.

The most important are :


It is practiced to maintain the cleanliness of the body and maintain health, consists of skin care, armpits, hair, external genitalia, hands, face, mouth and teeth and also costumes hygiene.

  • A bath every day : A bath every day is important to cleanse the body of sweat, dirt and germs. Wash with soap and clean water. Rub each side of the body to remove dirt and grime. After bathing, dry off with a clean towel and put on clean clothes.

  • Wash your hair : Hair should be kept clean and tidy. Dirty hair can be a breeding ground for germs and ticks. Hair should be washed with shampoo in the shower and rinsed with clean water. Furthermore, it is another action that stimulate circulation and promote the vitality of the roots of the scalp.

  • Clean the External Genitals : Wash the outside of the genitals with soap and water. For women, flush with water front to back and not vice versa. It prevents the entry of bacteria from the anus to the vagina. For men, there are only enough to clean it with clean water. 

  • Changing pad : For women who are menstruating, do not be lazy to change the pads as to when menstruation germs easy to get in and pads that there is a blood clot propagation of fungi and bacteria. Replace every four hours, 23 times a day or when it is uncomfortable. Do not forget to clean the vagina before when replacing pads.

  • Clean hands : Wet your hands with clean running water and smear with soap. Wash hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the presence of bacteria. If soap and water are not available, use a liquid hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol or wet wipes. This should be washed as often as necessary, because our bodies use both for work where contamination can occur, such as in the most neat and smooth. For this reason should be washed, especially before eating, after using the bathroom. Hands can be a route of transmission of various diseases such as diarrhea or flu.

  • Hygiene Nose : Clean nose and ears regularly (1- 2 weeks) to do with the careful use clean tools.

  • Hygiene Eye : Beauty eye begins with proper health care. Keep your eyes stay clean by washing with water, especially after scrubbing by hand as bacteria or germs on your hands may cause infection in your eye.

  • Hygiene Ear : clean with a good ear is not the ear, do not clean the inside of the ear repeatedly, simply wipe the outer ear, the ear does not get too clean and often do treatment in a clinic or hospital.

  • Oral hygiene : including daily cleaning. Brushing contribute to the conservation of the gums, teeth and overall health. Should be done after meals and at bedtime. Brushing technique is to perform the movement always brush the gums to the teeth, all measures to prevent dental caries, the situation is very common in our population caused by poor oral hygiene.

  • Hygiene costume consists of clothing and footwear : clothes dirty and polluted by their consumption, thereby helping our body secretions. Keep your clothes clean is a habit that needs to be encouraged from childhood, not only for aesthetic reasons but for the good development of personality and disease prevention. Shoes should be comfortable because of inadequate size of shoes can change the shape of the foot.

Routine practice good hygiene to help prevent various diseases, infections and other health problems. These are simple tips everyone should remember:

  • The most important rule does not share personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, razors, towels, cleaning products and cosmetics.
  • After a shower and wash their hands every day, your skin dry with a clean towel. Fungi live on damp skin, especially in skin folds and toes.
  • Brushing your teeth 3 times a day, do not forget before bed, is when plaque forms by bacteria.

Thus, it is clear that cleanliness is highly demanded in person. This is because the perfection of a believer is to maintain cleanliness, hygiene either to himself or matters relating to himself as room, home, clothing, food and a place to learn. However, do we know how correct in maintaining personal hygiene?

If you still do not have a clear understanding of how to take care of personal hygiene, the above article is part of sharing a bit about how to take care of personal hygiene. We can follow a little bit, thanks for reading

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